
Included in MGDK is a simple mapeditor that can be used to create maps (tiledlayers). These maps can easily be loaded as resources in a MIDlet written using MGDK.

How to start

The mapeditor is written in standard Java, using J2SDK1.4.1. It is distributed as sourcecode, so to run it you have to compile it. After compilation you start it by excuting java MapEditor in the directory where you put the compiled files. You might be able to use javaw instead of java to get rid of the consolewindow in windows. Summary:
  1. Compile
  2. Execute MapEditor (java MapEditor or javaw MapEditor)


The mapeditor is in no way finished, but it is working. There are not many features yet, this is about it: Planned features:


This is how you normally use the mapeditor:
  1. Create a new map (Map->New map or Ctrl-Shift-N) or open a saved map (Map->Open map... or Ctrl-O).
  2. Load tiles, which are the images used to construct the map. You have to do this even if you opened the map, since tiles are not stored with the map (good if you want to use different tiles for different resolutions). (Select Map->Load tiles... or Ctrl-L)
  3. Place tiles on map by clicking and scrolling around (using arrowkeys, clicking in the overview or pressing Shift while dragging the mouse)
  4. Save the map (Map->Save or Ctrl-S)
Updated May 26 2003